Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Posse Comitatus, 1878-2007

...and goodnight [Homeland Deployment UPDATE]. [The fascist asshole responsible]

Tucked into the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 was a provision to end the long standing Federal law (The Posse Comitatus Act) Preventing active duty US Military from being used for domestic law enforcement.

Slipped it right in there, along with provisions for security clearances, being nice to Iraqi kids, developing new radios and non-line-of-sight based artillery, and military personal having to pay for their own abortions at military hospitals overseas.

Here is the amendment in its entirety. Follow the link above to read the whole bill if your interested. The amendment was proposed before and rejected, so it got tacked onto something that had to be passed otherwise you look like a terrorist who does not support the troops.

(12) H.Amdt. 814
by Rep. Goode [R-VA]
Amendment authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection and the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the Department of Homeland Security with preventing the entry of terrorists, drug traffickers, and illegal aliens into the United States.
Proposed: May 11, 2006. Accepted: May 11, 2006.
An amendment numbered 8 printed in House Report 109-461 to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Department of Homeland Security (upon its request) in the performance of border protection functions.
May 11, 2006. On agreeing to the Goode amendment (A012) Agreed to by recorded vote: 252 - 171 (Roll no. 141). [View Details]

Also remember kids that our "boarders" now extend one hundred miles back from the actual boarders/coasts.

People wonder why I drink.

+ + +

Yeah, another small one. Sorry about that. Again real life is hitting me with more than I can reasonably deal with and still maintain the balance of righteous indignation, extreme paranoia, and careful research it takes to write this blog. Back on track soon, I promise.

/End Transmission.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Its that time of year again... for political assasinations.

Mike Connell, A GOP "IT Guru" working for Karl Rove died in a plane crash. He was set to testify about vote tampering in Ohio. Testify against Karl Rove and the Bush Administration.

He crashed his single prop plane 3 miles short of the runway. Which could very well be an accident. Lots of experienced pilots make errors that cost them their lives. Its a tragic time of year to lose your life.

Of course if you are set to testify against your former bosses in a trial concerning a giant pile of felonies including vote tampering, your sudden and unusual death needs to be looked at more closely. Mr. Connell was claiming, and the state prosecution was taking him at his word, that Karl Rove (acting on orders from the GOP higher ups and El Presidente) instructed him to rig the election results in Ohio for the GOP.

Oh my! Votes being tampered with in a key state? Who knew?

At any rate the government of Ohio thought he was important enough to warrant Federal witness protection, though I guess Mukasey does not have to worry about that now.

Marine MP's to be used by the California Highway Patrol to man DUI checkpoints. Active Duty Marines. Isn't that a felony?

Hey, I am all for keeping drunks off the highway. However this sort of thing is illegal. Has been since the end of the Civil War. I'm just saying...

+ + +

Just a short update for now. Rest in peace Mr. Connell, you join a long tradition of witnesses against the government who died mysteriously in plane crashes shortly before testifing.

/End Transmission.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Mainstream plays catch-up to the fringe yet again: Homeland Deployment finally being covered.

Homeland Deployment UPDATE!

Well how about that, they even mention Posse Comitatus, I am shocked. Of course this is nothing to worry about. In fact, we should be happy! Yay the troops are coming home! Yay!

After being hardened in the desert, they bring them home to "Restore Order" in case of "Civil Unrest". I wonder what could cause that?

US Officially in a Recession.

Well, maybe the ongoing financial crisis? Maybe...

More later...


The Iraq War Troop Surge of 2007 that everyone was so opinionated about was 20,000 troops. NORTHCOM is deploying 20,000 active duty (I cannot stress that point enough) soldiers on US soil. Why is the Homeland getting a surge? Whats more, where is the outcry about this surge? Hmm? Anyone?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

The Washington Post article refers to Posse Comitatus in passing, in a sort of snide hipster way. "Oh that, yeah, that's like, a federal law, but its like, 120 years old or something man. Live in the now!"

When active duty military start being used for domestic law enforcement, is that undeclared martial law? Remember kids, "domestic counter-terrorism" is law enforement, its the mandate of the FBI.

More reading material...

/End Transmission.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mini-Update: Alien life? You fucking bet!

News of the AWESOME from India: Indian "Red Rain" verified as extraterrestrial life. [PDF Download of the paper] [Older CNN article]

Well, this is pretty fucking awesome. Its a shame this so far is being met by the international press and American scientific community with much putting of fingers in ears and humming loudly.

Maybe because its life Jim, but not as we know it. "Weird Life" as NASA calls it, non-oxygen-breathing-carbon-
based-water-drinking life. Maybe because its any sort of life from space. Personally, I cannot think of a single valid reason not to be screaming this to the four winds night and day. Fuck the potential social or religious problems predicted to come with the revelation of life elsewhere in the universe. Most religions will adapt, they always do. If they can not, well that's life for you.

Look to the skies ladies and gentleman. Go out tonight and look at the stars with the same childlike wonder you had before adults told you there was no such thing as little green men. No UFO's, no life on other worlds, no green Orion slave girls to bang. Look up and smile.

We are not alone in the universe.

BONUS: The best UFO photographs ever taken.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Steve Fossett UPDATE: ...still dead.

"We don't really understand what causes events to happen. History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices." - Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Watterson

Bush thinks the EPA guidelines relating to radioactive material levels in drinking water are a bit too tough, relaxes them for the freedom and liberty of big business. Hope you don't mind flipper babies.

Typically an outgoing Administratum does all kinds of things that they always wanted to do but could not before for one reason or another. Staying up late playing spirited games of "Out the deep cover CIA Agent", "Pin-the-Military on another country full of brown people and oil", or "Turn the paranoid eye of the intelligence community almost entirely on the American public illegally-A-Boo" are old hat for the White House's outgoing residents.

No no, not this time. Nothing as simple as that. These are the last days of executive privilege, of signing statements, of Presidential pardons. No concern for opinion polls or permanent Republican majorities. No consequences. This is where the real party begins.

So before the flurry of pre-emptive pardons for war crimes begin (true story, more later) lets look at other area's where the walls are coming down.

The EPA.

I feel bad for the EPA, I really do. There are only two reasons I can think of to pursue a career in the Enviromental Protection Agency. The first being you aspire to pay for your house and mistress's condo with money illegally placed in your offshore bank account by the military-industrial complex for looking the other way, the second because you actually want to protect the damn enviroment. The later seem to be outnumbered by three to one and fight an uphill battle against an oponent with unlimted money, lobbying power far above the agencies head, and their own corrupt beuracracy.

Then the President comes along and makes it harder.

Bush & Co. think that the EPA guidelines are hurting the free market by constraining big business with needless and excessively left-wing liberal communist environmental protections. What do those godless socialist anti-free market restrictions cover?

Radioactive material. Apparently we need more radioactive isotopes in our drinking water. Mmmm dergulation. I can practicly taste the cancer now .

The RAND corporation is actively lobbying the Pentagon and Congress to start a war with a major superpower (China or Russia) to stimulate the US ecconomy. That is what we like to call extreme measures.

The problem with think-tanks is sometimes smart people don't look at all possible implications of an idea. They see numbers, they see effects of whatever system the seek to influence, they don't see numbers as people. They don't see the potential cost on a personal level.

Of course this is worse when the think tank involved is a CIA puppet/co-conspirator. At that point the obliviousness to human misery is replaced by criminal indifference to anything but the continued economic superiority of a handful of American business interests.. woo, deep breath.

The RAND Corporation is actively, though quietly, lobbying the Pentagon, Congress, and the Bush White House (Obama's as well I presume) on the merits of picking a fight with China or Russia in order to stimulate the ecconomy. Yes, that is right, another war. On a third front. Against the two nations who could actually stand against us (or U.S. depending on how you want to say it).

While true during WW2 that nothing gets the country going like a good war, that paradigm is no longer applicable. When we were a manufacturing giant, sure. However times are tough for the fly-over states and the old US of A does not produce nearly as much anymore. What are we going to do? Try to keep buying gear from China while waging war on them? Have our soldiers go into combat in jeans and worn out NASCAR shirts?

Well, we could solve that problem by going to war with Russia, right? Wrong! China and Russia have something called a mutual defense pact. A treaty that says if we attack one of them, we attack both. So we would be fighting on four fronts I suppose.

Maybe Mike "Brownie" Brown got hired by RAND after his tenure with FEMA came to an abrupt end.

For the Fatherland Homeland: More illegal home front active duty troop deployment news.

The ACLU is now requesting all sorts of information about NORTHCOM's deployment of active duty troops on U.S. soil (which happened back on October 1st, and continues...). It seems that NORTHCOM is laughing at their puny little Freedom of Information Act request.

The incoming administration so far has no comment about the homeland deployment, and its upcoming enlargement.

We said "bring home the troops", they said "OK, we'll bring home the troops"... Protestors need to be more specific I suppose.


+ + +

Real life has been occupying my attention of late. Not so much that I don't sit around worrying about this sort of thing, just enough that I never seem to have the time to write. I suppose thats the game though. If you spend all your time trying to survive, you don't have the chance to think about your situation.

/End Transmission.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Gnomes of Argentina, Missing Playboy Adventurers, Homeland Fascism: Things are back to normal.

Steve Fossett Watch UPDATE: Perhaps Steve reached the 8th Dimension in spirit, or, Why you should never trust people from parallel universes.

So Steve Fossett did depart our dimension after all, only in a depressingly conventional way. While it seems he did survive an impossible crash, he did not survive his injuries, or exposure, or wild animals.

Rest in peace, Steve. May your adventuring spirit inspire others to not just live life on the edge, but shoot past it as fast as possible. Also, may your example prove to people once and for all that aliens regardless of their origin are probably not benevolent.

Argentina vs. The Little People,2933,336750,00.html

A strange creature is stalking remote areas in Argentina's urban sprawl. The residents are frightened, the authorities are concerned, and there is even alleged video tape of them. What has everyone so worried? Gnomes.

It might all be a case of mass hysteria. Then again, film footage of hallucinations is in short supply.

Hoax? Probably, but a weird one. Gnomes? Of all the things to fake in Argentina for attention.

The witnesses who shot the footage in both cases are apparently refusing to leave their homes, for fear of the creatures. In each case the camera gets dropped after a scream is heard off camera. If the videos were not faked by the same people then its an odd coincidence.

It could be a midget, running around the slums at night with a pointy hat and a hand gun. That would make you scream like a girl.

100 Miles from the border and you are still not in America. Welcome to the "Constitution Free Zone" that includes more than 190 Million Americans, or 2/3rds of the population.

These days The Ministry of Homeland Security has a lot on its plate. Between getting in on drug busts (Narco-Terrorism), nabbing hackers (Cyber-Terrorism), and hanging out in airports stealing peoples laptops (Business Commuter-Terrorism) they have a great many fingers in America's pies. Whats next for this well funded and poorly chartered agency? Border security!

Well, they already do that to. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is their shiny new border patrol arm, which handles most of their anti-drug efforts. That sounds fair, right? Drug dealers are like terrorists I guess. I mean, they had all those ads that showed kids buying weed were actually funding Osama's efforts to rule the world or something. So thats good, right?

Well it might be, if not for the fact that the border they are defending is one hundred miles deep. See? I got to the point eventually.

One hundred miles. Sort of like saying the Pittsburgh city cops have jurisdiction from downtown Pittsburgh to Fairmont, West Virginia. Homeland Security is claiming this tiny stretch of area from the borders, including the coastlines as its "Constitution-Free Zone" as traditionally border guards could get away with more-or-less what they wanted in searching your vehicle and person for contraband. The borders are kind of a gray area where your rights too privacy, search-n-seizure, and such are concerned.

DHS liked this idea so much, they wanted to share it with everyone who lives within 100 miles of a border or coastline. Which means about 190 million people. The US population is about 300 million. Nice, eh? Already agents have been testing the waters of their new jurisdiction with alarming regularity and success. The best example so far is a bathroom tile salesman who had his car interior torn out by DHS while he sat in handcuffs next to the road. His crime? They wanted to search his car, since he was at "the border" and he would not consent. The "border" was on the interstate a mile south of San Diego.

The ACLU has a handy map showing the new border area's where you can be subject to whatever DHS feels like. I am still trying to get over the name they are calling it... Constitution-Free Zone. I am sure that will change soon, I can't imagine that will prove to be a popular name.

Iranian cargo ship full of harmless building supplies and minerals (weapons grade refined uranium from China) UPDATE! The UN asks US to clean up the mess.

So that Iranian ship carrying radioactive material from China back to Iran that was hijacked by Somali pirates that nobody wants to talk about? Yeah it seems the United Nations is asking the US Navy (strictly on the down low) to quietly dispose of it, as most of the pirates are now dead from radiation poisoning and the ship is hotter that my wife in a black mini skirt.

Yeah, I can see how nobody is talking about this. Nothing newsworthy really. Nothing at all. Pirates. Illegal shipments of uranium for nuclear weapons from China to Iran. China, our good buddies whom we owe so much money to, shipping nuke supplies to Iran, our new enemy of the week in the Middle East.

The Chinese are giving the Iranians enough rope to hang themselves with. How long do you think they will sit on nukes before they get antsy enough to use them? Or dumb enough to sell them to someone? Then we go to war again. War costs money. We have no money. Where do we get money? China.

Man, do they have a good racket going or what?

Nothing to see here people, move along.

+ + +

Back to normal.

/End Transmission.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In the Grim Future of Blogging, There is Only Dr. Wife

It is that time again, Ladies and Non-Ladies. Not since the 2006 Congressional Elections have I been compelled to crawl (red-eyed and ill-smelling) from my coffin before noon to cast a vote, then monitor the newsfeeds. But I've got a pot of coffee on and some whiskey to spike it with, so I give you...

Dr. Wife's Live 2008 Election Night Extravaganza!

3:12 PM: This blog's usual Commandant and I just returned from our local polling place. It only took us 25 minutes to find it, as it actually seemed to be attempting to obscure itself from the eyes of prying voters.

Despite what I'd been promised by the AP Newswire, there were no lines at all, really. A few helpful old women aided us in casting our ballots on those wretched machines. I spent at least 30-45 seconds attempting to glare it into submission before actually voting. It wasn't Diebold, but that doesn't mean much as far as I can tell. I haven't taken my mediation yet today, so the lack of a paper trail is still worrying me.

3:29 PM: BBC News has constructed an extremely useful article concerning both the changing political landscape of the United States and also the Electoral College. They are also listing early (very, very early) predictions from various sources as to which way those Electors will vote. Those predictions are as follows:

CQ POLITICS: Obama 311/ McCain 157
REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Obama 291/ McCain 132
POLLSTER.COM: Obama 311/ McCain 142
NEW YORK TIMES: Obama 291/ McCain 163

Granted, these predictions are coming early enough so as to be almost useless, but it's been a bleak 8 years, so I'll take my comfort wherever I can get it. Onward!

5:15 PM: Some exit polls have just been released, and DrudgeReport is calling 7 new seats in Congress for democrats, bringing them up to 58. This is a simple majority, of course, but still 2 seats short of the three-fifths majority required to invoke cloture.

6:15 PM: MSNBC is reporting fairly sweeping voting machine malfunction in Virginia and Pennsylvania--both swing states, of course. HOWEVER, DrudgeReport is reporting a 15 point lead for Obama in PA regardless, although, as always, they site no sources. Sigh.

7:35 PM: RESULTS ARE ROLLING IN! CNN has called Kentucky for McCain and Vermont for Obama, making the score thus far:


The 8 o'clock hour is a big one, with polls closing in: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas, so everyone take a sedative, and hunker down for the wait...

8:00 PM: Curse you CNN! They are calling South Carolina for McCain, despite the fact that a) Obama is winning 55% to 45%, and, b) only 1% of precincts are reporting. How the crap does that work?

Still haven't heard anything about California's Proposition 8 success or failure, but polls in CA don't close until 11PM Eastern Standard.

8:05 PM: Results are pouring in from the states in which polls closed at 7PM and 7:30PM. Obama is projected to take New Jersey, Illinois, and Connecticut, whilst McCain takes South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, bringing our Electoral College votes to:

OBAMA 77 / McCAIN 34

It takes 270 to win.

8:19 PM: MSNBC is calling Pennsylvania for Obama, bringing the total to:

OBAMA 103 / McCAIN 34

8:37 PM: The American south's results are pouring in. McCain predictably takes Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. New score:

OBAMA 103 / McCAIN 49

9:24 PM Damn near everyone (including FOX news TV) is calling Ohio for Obama, with 91% of precincts reporting in! Hot holy damn! The last man to win the Presidency without taking Ohio was, of course, JFK in 1960.

OBAMA 123/ McCAIN 49

9:55 PM Dr. Wife is too drunk right now to post, so it is I your regular narrator back at the wheel. The BBC (Aunty Beeb) is saying the count sits at...

OBAMA 200/ McCAIN 130

It is looking more and more like a Regan-Style blowout that some have cautiously predicted for Sen. Obama. Of course its still an open game. Anything can happen. Fortunately the Wild Turkey supply is holding out.

More than anything its nice to see voter turnout of epic magnitude. An estimated 130 Million voters will cast their ballots in this election. Holy shit. Really. Something like 85% of the eligible and registered voters in this nation. That is an amazing thing in and of itself. So many people giving a shit about the direction of their nation, of their government, and their own damn lives. Electoral college or not, people care, at least for tonight.

10:11 PM ...and?

OBAMA 207/ McCAIN 135

I do hope that of all the pre-mature coverage I hope The Onion is the least accurate.



McCain is giving a concession speech as I (an inebriated Dr. Wife) type this. It's actually quite heartfelt and I'm a little teary (but being drunk helps).

Well, that's it, I suppose. I wish I could think of some profound statement to end what was an exciting but exhausting night. All that I can say is this: we wake up tomorrow to a new country. Optimism is in short supply, but I can feel a glimmer of it deep within my crusty black soul.

+Not Dr. Wife+

This is a hell of a thing really. The cries of "Boo" and other less appealing things from the McCain crowd was a bit disheartening. It was however nice to see and hear John McCain sounding more like he did before the end of his 2000 run for the Republican nomination. He transformed himself into a candidate that every Republican could vote for, and in doing so became someone only half the country could vote for. In the end, it did not even give him that. A career of speaking his mind, no matter how unpopular his opinion or how crazy his view and the integrity that came with it was traded away for votes from the Moral Majority and support from Big Business.

I hope the coming four years will see McCain go back to his old sometimes incomprehensible but authentic ways. I also hope to see in Obama a President that offers hope and change for the better to the American people. Not just "Hope (tm)" and "Change (tm)" the branded campaign slogans, not just the marketed commodities but actual advancement for the nation in a positive direction.

This is still a very paranoid house, that will never change, but it's nice to look to the future and see the possibility of leaving a little of our hard-bitten cynicism at the door.

+ + +

A regular post of links and weirdness will be in the post tomorrow most likely. Now that the political season is over its time to crawl back into the bunker, furiously clean my guns, and run at the sight of unmarked black UN helicopters.

It was nice to do another joint effort with the wife. With any luck Dr. Wife will be able to stretch her writing muscles again and join in on this station in the future. Maybe with her promised article on the West Memphis Three, or maybe some other well-researched paranoid delusion.

/End Transmission.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Election 2008: Preamble

"We are living in dangerously weird times now. Smart people just shrug and admit they're dazed and confused. The only ones left with any confidence at all are the New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our world as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic." - Hunter S. Thompson in 2000

Election day tomorrow. Tonight and tomorrow night will make up for a lack of Halloween post. I promise.

I have been asked to vote for either big ticket candidate so many times over the last 3 days. Very few actual people on the other end, mostly computers. Of what interest is the election to the machines?

John McCain had one real person on the line, and dozens of robots. Barack Obama had two real people, and a few less robots than McCain. Either way its fairly annoying. By this point I know for whom I cast my meaningless ballot. I know which front social issues I will be voting for. I am not a single issue voter by any means, but I do know that the same overarching agendas will be advanced either way. Major change will not come from an election in this country, not anymore.

I vote to sooth my conscience, I vote tomorrow in the hope that I am just paranoid and cynical and maybe mentally ill. Maybe the candidates are not in the pocket of the same corporate interests they have been since Marine Major General Smedley Butler was asked to help overthrow President Roosevelt and institute a fascist corporate state ruled by the rich and powerful of the day. Maybe its all just a weird coincidence. Maybe my vote counts.

Be careful at the polls kids. NORTHCOM is on high alert and every police force in the country seems to be expecting "Civil Unrest".

More later.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Conspiracy, Clowns, and High Weirdness in Outer Space. Saturday afternoon done right at Cabaret Apocalypto.

The NSA, Phone Sex, and the Palestine Hotel.

Adrienne Kinne is one of "Them". She is, or was, an agent for "Military Intelligence" (which from what I can tell translates as "The NSA" in this instance). She is however making a name for herself by whistle blowing about the NSA's warrentless wiretapping program. Concerning, among other things, their tendency to zero in not on terrorist related transmissions, but on phone sex.

According to Ms. Kinne No Such Agency was using Carnivore & Echelon for tracking down lurid bits of communications. Phone calls, e-mails, texts, etc.. and spreading them around the office for entertainment/spanking material. Needless to say, this is a tad embarrassing for the intelligence community. Usually when someone "blows the lid off" something in the deep black world of espionage it relates to murder. Murder, while illegal and immoral, is cool. Well, it's a lot cooler than being the nerd in the tree watching his neighbor undress in the bedroom or scamming free phone sex with a fake credit card. Being James Bond and shooting the bad guy off of a radio telescope is cool, being the old guy jerking off under a raincoat behind two young lovers on the bus is not.

Of course thats not the only impropriety Agent Kinne is talking about, its just the only one the mainstream media will discuss.

The CIA and NSA added the Palestine Hotel to a list of viable targets for the US Military in 2003 during the invasion of Baghdad. The hotel, while outside what would come to be the "Green Zone", was the staging point for a majority of the international press corp (and the unembedded American journalists).

Now its a big building, with a big sign that says "Palestine Hotel", and its in Baghdad to boot. So its easy to see why when the target list came down the pipe a tank crew driving along a bridge nearby fired a few shells into the building. Target of Opportunity they call it.

Several journalists were killed, everyone was both shaken and stirred, and as soon as the hotel was confirmed as shelled the CIA removed it from the list of "kill this as quick as you can" targets. Ms. Kinne says that was entirely deliberate.

The facts seem to support that story. Go ahead and find pictures from that day of the tank crew, take a look at how they feel after firing on unarmed civilians (some of which were American citizens). They did not know. They were told it was a viable military target. They were used to murder innocent people at random. Maybe there was a specific target in mind and it was a clumsy assassination attempt, or maybe it was just malice that lead to the deaths of Taras Protsyuk (Reuters) and Jose Couso (Telecinco) and the wounding of three others.

The US Military has been accused of everything from criminal negligence to murder in this case. If Agent Kinne is telling the truth then they are no more guilty than a gun or knife in a murder. I am not normally what you would call an apologist for the military, but those kids in that tank killed innocent people, and it was not their faults. They get to live with that for the rest of their lives while the nameless suit that is responsible will sleep soundly on a pillow of taxpayer money tonight.

Phantom Clowns 2: Chicago South Side Super Creepy Pony Ride,2933,438228,00.html,clown-abduction-children-101408.article

The Phantom Clowns, one of Americas creepiest historical oddities/urban legends is back. This time a silver sedan and your standard issue child molestation family van are on the prowl on the South Side of Chicago. The very same area Barack Obama started his political career as a community organizer.

Two per vehicle they come, bearing candy, balloons, and wicked grins. Trying to entice children into their vehicles just like in the 1980's. Also just like the 1980's they have yet to actually abduct a child. Well, so far no child abductions can be reliable attributed to them, thats not to say they have not done it.

The last time the clowns stalked the streets of Americas cities we had Satanic Ritual Abuse Syndrome dominating the news cycle. This time its the Presidential election and the collapse of Wall Street. The clowns are showing up in an area with a connection to the Obama campaign, in an area rife with the dealings of Tony Rezco. A man the Obama campaign would certainly like to forget, as Barack's ill-advised land deal with him has been a stick which his rivals have beat him with non-stop for almost two years. Not that there is a connection at all mind you, I just think its weird that out of all the places for this to crop up its right there. Little weird.

Copy Cats? The same clowns? Distraction from something else? Supernatural weirdness? Who knows. It will be interesting to see if it spreads again, like last time.

Dark Flow: Not a new Jam Band, not a PS3 game, not what happens to your girlfriend once a month. No, it is both cooler and scarier than those.,2933,427082,00.html

How big is the universe? Big. Really, really big. Is it infinite? Well, no. Probably not. For as large as it is it might as well be, but its not. What is outside of the universe? Until a few months ago most scientists would shrug and say "probably nothing". Recently however "probably nothing" became "most likely something so fucking weird and scary that your human brain cannot properly conceive of it without going mad".

No, this is not a ham-fisted intro to a Lovecraft story. Rather its a ham-fisted introduction to high weirdness on a universal scale. Dark Flow.

Assume the Big Bang happened. OK. So we have ALL matter and energy in the Universe (even that which is contained inside Steven Seagal) traveling outward from the zero point at impossible speeds. So we have an ever expanding sphere of matter and energy which Al Gore likes to call "The Universe".

Everything inside this "The Universe" is moving at more or less the same speed in predictable directions as its a spherical model. So flash forward about 15 or so billion years and you have everything where it is now. Some things slowed down a bit, some sped up, but aside from various crashes and explosions shaking up the model its all pretty predictable. Right Science? Science says well, um, no. Not entirely.

A few Galactic Clusters (which are not hair metal bands or Little Debbie cakes but rather are giant cloud-like clusters of galaxies) are moving in the wrong directions. In the wrong direction at about 2 million kilometers per hour (our galaxy takes about 200 million years to make a complete orbit around galactic central point). They are not moving how they should be moving, but are moving in a straight line outwards, towards the edge of the observable universe. Once they get there they will then exit reality as we know it.

Thats pretty weird right? It gets better, in the way that Lovecraft's stories get more "hopeful" and "optimistic" at the end. This is being caused by "Dark Flow". A name scientists made up because the only cause for this problem that fits the math is gigantic structures of impossible geometry and material alien to our universe sitting outside normal space and time warping the very fabric of reality. The gravity well of these structures is affecting a certain region of our universe and pulling material (in this case galactic clusters) outside of observable space and time into another, weirder something (its not another dimension, or universe, its just something sitting outside of our universe).

So there you have it. Sleep tight.

* * *

I promised a full post and here it is. I guess my article about the Battle of Las Angeles was not as popular as my paranoid ranting about the government and martial law. I had to take a little break from writing about it for a week, I was about to pop a blood vessel deep in my brain. We are back this week however with a little of column A and B. Look closely at the first article, you can see my potential aneurysm throbbing...

/End Transmission.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rage Against the UFO: Weird Tales of WW2

Another small post this week, but at least it has pictures. There will be more later, I promise. In the meanwhile enjoy this bit of weird history.

The Battle of Los Angeles is not just a Rage Against the Machine album.

In the wee hours of the morning on February 25th, 1942 searchlights lit the sky above LA. The city was plunged into emergency black out and anti-aircraft guns exploded shells into a target above the city for over an hour. Several civilians died as a result of friendly fire, a few buildings burned down, and at least 3 people had heart attacks during the attack.

What the fuck was going on?

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was less than three months earlier and the West Coast was considerably edgier than it usually is. Not your average over-caffeinated twitch response mind you. It was full on paranoia that at any moment the sky would fill with Zero fighters raining high caliber machine gun death on the quirky but generally peace loving people of Southern California.

The whole country stood at a definite "War Footing" as we readied what remained of our Navy to take the fight all the way to Tokyo like a red, white, and blue flag waving, cigar chomping, radioactive death dealing giant lizard. The government was wondering out loud about putting everyone of Asian ancestry, regardless of citizenship status, into internment camps. The Nazi threat loomed in Europe as Hitler gave the free world the finger and essentially told everyone to brush up their German and learn to love his brand of hot sausage. Things were scary and weird.

So into this equation you have a mystery object, traveling slowly down the coast from Santa Monica heading to Long Beach. It is almost invisible to radar (it was detected intermittently, and was possibly one of as many as five objects), silent, makes no attempt to identify itself, and looks a bit too much like an upside down silver pie plate for comfort. All of these factors contributed to one of the loudest and most hostile welcomes in LA history.

Over 1400 12.8lb anti-aircraft shells were fired at the object over the course of an hour. Many of those shells, according to the artillery crews and civilians, impacted on the object or exploded in close proximity. No debris was found, no damage observed, after an hour of sustained firing the thing simply vanished. Of course nobody had a clue as to who the fight was with, what the other side wanted, or if there would be more fight to come.

The US Army and the Government have offered a few explanations over the years for the incident and object, all of which must be true until a new official report is published that contradicts the last one. Here are a few of the explanations...

False Alarm: Attributed to "War Nerves". Fair enough. People were crazy with worry over a possible additional Japanese sneak-attack. That is actually perfectly plausible. However an object was shot at, and hit to no effect, and this is known because newspaper men and the Army photographed it as it happened. So unless the citizens of LA were so nervous as to psychically imprint their worry in the shape of a flying saucer on tons of film, "Move along, nothing to see here" may not be the best explanation.

Japanese "Fire Balloon": A good theory, except that a balloon filled with flammable hydrogen (the Japanese did not have access to non-explosive lighter than air gasses like helium) and carrying a payload of flammable liquids and dynamite is doubtful to withstand sustained artillery fire for more than an hour. Also, the Japanese did not start unleashing their wildly ineffective balloon assault until 1944.

Birds: Birds are silent, at high altiude can appear to be slow moving, and are often covered by a reflective metal surface. However those points conceded, it can be assumed that most birds will not hover stationary in the face of powerful search lights and giant explosions for longer than an episode of The Lawrence Welk Show.

Weather Balloon: I will accept this explanation if you can explain to me how 1400+ 12.8lb anti-aircraft shells could not even move one, while in another five years one crashed on its own in Roswell, New Mexico and left a debris field around 300 feet long and with several burned and broken crash test dummies in its wake. It can be assumed from this that our earlier weather balloons were invulnerable titans of modern engineering while models produced less than a decade later folded like a house of cards at the slightest provocation.

Japanese/Nazi (Japanazi) Secret Weapon: Also a good speculation. However since this article is not written in German, Kanji, or a crude Germanese/Spanglish dialect I will assume that this was not a forgotten Wunderweapon of the 3rd Reich.

What we have here is one of the best examples of a UFO sighting in recorded history. Both Military and civilian sources observed it, fired at it, and were scared shitless of it. Photographic evidence still exists even, probably because it was not assumed to be anything other than birds or lost Japanese fighter planes with no guns searching for Sushi Bar and rest room. Despite it being such a good example, with a pretty good pile of evidence, one rarely hears about it. Why? Probably because its a good example of something unknown with a pretty good pile of evidence.

Bonus! Pictures! [Click on them for full size]

The most common image of the battle.

A photo taken directly from the microfilm copies.

Here is the negative of the first photo. Isn't that something?

The Negative of the image shows the object in the center of the searchlights in pretty good detail. I am not saying that its full of little green men, but it is interesting.

What is also interesting is despite all that attention, the photographs, media reports, shells fired, and civilian deaths there was no Congressional investigation into the mater. Not a one. The Army concluded at the time it must have been civilian planes operated by unauthorized pilots engaged in a psychological warfare operation of some kind. They theorize that the planes were being flown at low speed and high altitude so as to avoid the shelling from below. Which would work out as an explanation, except the object and the exploding shells can be seen in the photo's, and with even more clarity in the negative.

Another interesting factor is that in addition to the Motion Picture studios, Southern California at that time was a powerhouse of industrial production. Of what you may ask? Why, weapons of course. Ships, guns, bombs, bullets, you name it. Industrial production for the backbone of Americas war effort. All being churned out by cute little California beach bunnies. All kinds of weapons, even nukes.

Robert Oppenheimer was hard at work at the University of California (Berkley) at this time, finishing his calculations concerning critical mass and detonation. If there is a connection I have no idea what it is. Probably just a coincidence, just an interesting one.

* * *

More later.

/End Transmission.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pirates! Mad Cow! The Collapse of Wall Street! Do I know how to party or what?

Calvin: I know more about the private lives of celebrities than I do about any governmental policy that will actually affect me. I'm interested in things that are none of my business, and I'm bored by things that are important to know.
Hobbes: The media aim to please.
Calvin: Maybe the economy should be discussed in cheap motel rooms.
-Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Waterson

US Soldiers exposed to cancer causing agent while guarding an Iraqi water treatment plant.

Sodium Dichromate is scary shit. The OSHA permissible exposure limits are really very tiny (in the 0.005 micrograms range, think of that as 0.005% of the average tab of acid) due to its extreme toxicity and carcinogenic effects.. It would seem that a giant vat of it was sitting open outside with the wind blowing through it (powder form) and at least 600 National Guardsmen were exposed to it. Yikes.

While I am not pointing fingers that the Amry was dumping known carcinogens into the Iraqi water supply, I am pointing a finger at someone for not being smarter and probably killing a whole bunch of people. It seems that the contractors we keep giving no-bid contracts to are determined to kill more of our troops than the Iraqi's are.

At least you know where you stand facing an angry man with an AK. Companies like Halliburton who are supposed to be taking care of our guys are killing them in worse ways, all while singing songs about how much we need their help. I can think of many more things one needs in life ahead of cancer, or drinking diesel fuel, or bathing in waste water, or having corporate thugs pull guns on you in public because they caused a traffic accident, or...

Somali Pirates die after taking an Iranian merchant ship. Die mysteriously. Symptoms of the mysterious illness include skin burns, hair loss, collapse of immune response, loss of teeth, cancer, cancer, cancer... I wonder what was poorly stored on that ship?

So it goes that the mainstream media again misses the boat. So to speak. One would think FOX News would be all over this. Not a peep, not a whisper.

Iran is importing nuclear materials from China by the look of it. Not just reactor parts, but actual uranium by the look of it. Also given how quickly these men are succumbing to radiation poisoning I would venture to guess its already been refined. Isn't that something.

Maybe the media black out is because, like Darfur, acknowledging the problem means directly saying that China is working against us. Which means we would have to do more than occasionally maybe kinda talk tough about them.

Why is that such an issue? Well ignore their military for a moment. Ignore all the products we import from them that are used on a daily basis for a moment. Ignore their yummy food for a moment. What does China do for us that is so important that they can shit in our hands like this and we will pretend its cake? Easy, money. Where do you think all the money for the Iraq war is coming from? All that debt we are in, who do you think is holding the fucking marker on that? Mostly China.

Sure America, go to war with another Arab nation! Go on, spend yourselves into debt so deep the only sunshine you see will belong to China, go ahead! China wants to own our ecconomy, and they are pretty much almost there.

Back to the article for a moment... The ship is an Iranian ship, which set sail from China, according to the company that owns it (the Iranian government, its a state owned company) it was heading for Rotterdam and was purchased by a German client. Of course they also say the cargo is "Minerals" and "Industrial Materials", so who knows. They are threatening to sue the man who is trying to help them get their ship back for saying the cargo is radioactive.

My theory? I know you are dying to hear it, so here goes. The cargo is indeed refined uranium 235, or enough raw ore (mined in Africa, hmmmm) to choke a camel. The crew, Iranian sailors, knew that the Somali pirates would kill all of them due to them all being poor sailors and not important folks. So they decided to get the pirates from beyond the grave, they cracked open the seals on the uranium canisters in the shipping boxes and closed the boxes back up. The pirates shot the crew, but the crew killed them via radiation poisoning. I applaud the crew of the ship. That is what I would have done.

Of course now there is a boat sitting at sea full of cancerous pirates and exposed uranium that's getting hotter by the minute. That sucks. That ladies and gentlemen is what I call "A Problem".

Mad Cow human variant (CJD) kills two in Spain, from the same family.

Not a lot to say on this one except that the problem is not going away. Despite increased safety precautions around the world the number of identified victims steadily increases.


And I do so love a good cheeseburger.

Why are Obama & McCain both HOT HOT HOT for the $700 Billion Bailout Plan? Just take a look at their top campaign contributors silly!

Contributors in BOLD are financial/credit/banking institutions. Most of the ones whose names are not readily recognizable are law firms. On both lists, not just Obama.

John Mccain's Puppet Masters
Merrill Lynch $298,413
Citigroup Inc $269,251
Morgan Stanley $233,272
Goldman Sachs $208,395
JPMorgan Chase & Co $179,975

AT&T Inc $174,487
Blank Rome LLP $150,426
Credit Suisse Group $150,025
Greenberg Traurig LLP $146,787
UBS AG $140,165
PricewaterhouseCoopers $140,120
US Government $137,617
Bank of America $129,475
Wachovia Corp $122,846
Lehman Brothers $117,500

FedEx Corp $113,453
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
Pinnacle West Capital $97,700

Non-Disclosure of funding sources: 11.1%

Top Industries of McCain Bundlers

Securities & Investment $11,350,000
Real Estate $9,500,000
Lobbyists $6,250,000
Lawyers/Law Firms $4,900,000
Misc Finance $4,500,000

Barack Obama's Puppet Masters
Goldman Sachs $691,930

University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919

Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302 $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400

Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038
Non-Disclosure of funding sources: 5.8%

Top Industries of Obama Bundlers
Lawyers/Law Firms $11,700,000
Securities & Investment $8,900,000
TV/Movies/Music $3,150,000
Computers/Internet $2,150,000
Business Services $2,100,000

Sorta puts it all in perspective, don't it?

Steve Fosset Watch Update! Who needs money or ID in the 5th Dimension?

Some hikers found his wallet, maybe his jacket, ID's, and a big pile of money in the mountains... of California. An odd story that just gets more so with every turn...

Steve Fosset Watch EXTRA UPDATE! 1 light aircraft + a sheer mountain side = no body...

It seems that Steve's plane crashed into a mountain head first. The investigators say there is no possible way someone could have survived that crash. Yet there was no body in the wreck, and some of Steve's belongings were found some distance away.

Steve Fosset: 5th Dimensional explorer or senile aging adventurer? Stay tuned!


Today is the day Active Duty troops are being deployed in the US. Keep an eye out for where kids! Its like a scavenger hunt, only more depressing.

/End Transmission.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EXTRA POST!: Holy shit... just... holy shit. Breaking News!

Active-Duty Army Units are being assigned to patrols in North America starting on October 1st. Anyone ever hear of Posse Comitatus? Yeah, well neither have They, apparently.
"3rd Infantry's 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping 'people at home' may become a permanent part of the active Army." - Full quote from the header to the article, from the Army Times.

This is the most worrying shit I have seen in a long time. A month before the elections are supposed to happen. Seriously. Active duty uniformed soldiers being drafted into stateside service without any say-so other than the Pentagon? Something is stirring my friends, something is stirring. It is not a good thing, whatever it is.

Maybe it has something to do with these clips from C-Span...

Look, I'm not trying to say anything except keep your eyes peeled. Something is happening. Right out in public, and nobody is paying attention. We are concerned with the price of oil, and food costs rising, the threat of recession, the election, the mortgage crisis, the credit crisis, the bank crisis, the stock market, but we are not concerned with this.

Maybe I am just being paranoid. I will certainly own up to a heightened sense of paranoia, no argument there. However, is it paranoia if you are right? If I am wrong, no problem, I'm nuts, I can live with that. Just another crazy person on the internet jumping at shadows and barking at the moon.

If I am right, even partially, then we are standing on the edge of the sort of scenario that George Orwell was called paranoid for envisioning. Its all been falling into place for years folks. You think the Patriot Act is something new? Almost all of the measures it enacted were from other separate bits of legislation that have been making the rounds for years. Most authored under the supervision of Bush 1 and Bill Clinton.

More video, for those who don't like to read.

More later...

...and we're back.

What the fuck is going on? Well here are more paranoid ideas. First, a little background.

[The Patriot Act]
[The Military Commissions Act]
[S. 1959 (Codenamed by the Department of Homeland Security as "ENDGAME", you just can't make this stuff up)]
[Security and Prosperity Paternership of North America Security Agenda]

What seems to be going on is something big. Something very big. The October Surprise the world will never forget, or at least those of us in the good old U.S. of A.

A major thing is being prepared for, and it looks like it will require the military in full combat readiness on the home front, a generous helping of martial law, a big body count, and maybe a suspension of elections even.

FEMA bought a half million airtight, Biological and Chemical rated coffins last year. You know, just in case.
Halliburton has been given taxpayer money to upgrade those vacant FEMA detention camps. You know, just in case.
Camps and coffins are old news, hell, one of the first conspiracy theories I read about on the internet back in the day was about the FEMA detention camps. They have them, they don't deny it, they say they keep'em around in case we ever have a flood of illegals (refugee's) that need quarantined.

Its more a question of that plus this equals what? Is it all related? Are the active duty military units deploying right here in the states on October 1st just in case? That is what They say. In case of civil unrest. That term comes up a lot, civil unrest. Or an NBC (not the broadcasting company, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical) attack on US soil? Maybe, as the units deploying have been getting a ton of extra training for just that emergency since at least the middle of this month. Maybe it is all a big coincidence. Of course, anyone who has spent any amount of time working in the deep black will tell you there is no such thing.
John McCain has suspended his campaign. To work on the growing (ha! growing is such a small word) economic crisis.
A bit more than a month to go until our elections. The new President gets sworn in come January. I wonder if that's going to happen. It seems to me that the expectation of something happening is already in the halls of power, if not an actual plan of action. Plans are good things to have, especially in an emergency.
FEMA has their coffins in Georgia, the military units being deployed stateside are training in the New England area. Keep an eye on the East Coast, and FEMA. After all, they are seemingly psychic in terms of emergency response. Just look at 9/11.
This article still not finished... More to come. Special thanks to Senior Research Editor Dr. Wife.

+ + +


I jumped to a lot of conclusions, based on weird facts. As it turns out there was no fascist takeover October Surprise, just some unconnected weird/terrifying events. Its honestly a little embarrassing. I try my best to not let paranoia get the better of me, to be rational, and I failed this time. Spectacularly. 

If this article is your first exposure to my blog, try some others. They are much better. Usually.

Not going to delete this in the interest of archival integrity, instead I will ad this note. Which I have done. Just now.


Money, Hookers, & The Media: A Non-Illustrated Guide to Media Deceptions and the Mortgage Crisis

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