...and goodnight [Homeland Deployment UPDATE].
http://www.house.gov/goode/ [The fascist asshole responsible]
Tucked into the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 was a provision to end the long standing Federal law (The Posse Comitatus Act) Preventing active duty US Military from being used for domestic law enforcement.
Slipped it right in there, along with provisions for security clearances, being nice to Iraqi kids, developing new radios and non-line-of-sight based artillery, and military personal having to pay for their own abortions at military hospitals overseas.
Here is the amendment in its entirety. Follow the link above to read the whole bill if your interested. The amendment was proposed before and rejected, so it got tacked onto something that had to be passed otherwise you look like a terrorist who does not support the troops.
(12) H.Amdt. 814 by Rep. Goode [R-VA]
http://www.house.gov/goode/ [The fascist asshole responsible]
Tucked into the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act of 2007 was a provision to end the long standing Federal law (The Posse Comitatus Act) Preventing active duty US Military from being used for domestic law enforcement.
Slipped it right in there, along with provisions for security clearances, being nice to Iraqi kids, developing new radios and non-line-of-sight based artillery, and military personal having to pay for their own abortions at military hospitals overseas.
Here is the amendment in its entirety. Follow the link above to read the whole bill if your interested. The amendment was proposed before and rejected, so it got tacked onto something that had to be passed otherwise you look like a terrorist who does not support the troops.
(12) H.Amdt. 814 by Rep. Goode [R-VA]
Amendment authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection and the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the Department of Homeland Security with preventing the entry of terrorists, drug traffickers, and illegal aliens into the United States.
Proposed: May 11, 2006. Accepted: May 11, 2006.
An amendment numbered 8 printed in House Report 109-461 to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Department of Homeland Security (upon its request) in the performance of border protection functions.
May 11, 2006. On agreeing to the Goode amendment (A012) Agreed to by recorded vote: 252 - 171 (Roll no. 141). [View Details]
Also remember kids that our "boarders" now extend one hundred miles back from the actual boarders/coasts.
People wonder why I drink.
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Yeah, another small one. Sorry about that. Again real life is hitting me with more than I can reasonably deal with and still maintain the balance of righteous indignation, extreme paranoia, and careful research it takes to write this blog. Back on track soon, I promise.
/End Transmission.
Also remember kids that our "boarders" now extend one hundred miles back from the actual boarders/coasts.
People wonder why I drink.
+ + +
Yeah, another small one. Sorry about that. Again real life is hitting me with more than I can reasonably deal with and still maintain the balance of righteous indignation, extreme paranoia, and careful research it takes to write this blog. Back on track soon, I promise.
/End Transmission.