"3rd Infantry's 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping 'people at home' may become a permanent part of the active Army." - Full quote from the header to the article, from the Army Times.
This is the most worrying shit I have seen in a long time. A month before the elections are supposed to happen. Seriously. Active duty uniformed soldiers being drafted into stateside service without any say-so other than the Pentagon? Something is stirring my friends, something is stirring. It is not a good thing, whatever it is.
Maybe it has something to do with these clips from C-Span...
Look, I'm not trying to say anything except keep your eyes peeled. Something is happening. Right out in public, and nobody is paying attention. We are concerned with the price of oil, and food costs rising, the threat of recession, the election, the mortgage crisis, the credit crisis, the bank crisis, the stock market, but we are not concerned with this.
Maybe I am just being paranoid. I will certainly own up to a heightened sense of paranoia, no argument there. However, is it paranoia if you are right? If I am wrong, no problem, I'm nuts, I can live with that. Just another crazy person on the internet jumping at shadows and barking at the moon.
If I am right, even partially, then we are standing on the edge of the sort of scenario that George Orwell was called paranoid for envisioning. Its all been falling into place for years folks. You think the Patriot Act is something new? Almost all of the measures it enacted were from other separate bits of legislation that have been making the rounds for years. Most authored under the supervision of Bush 1 and Bill Clinton.
More video, for those who don't like to read.
More later...
...and we're back.
What the fuck is going on? Well here are more paranoid ideas. First, a little background.
[The Patriot Act]
[The Military Commissions Act]
[S. 1959 (Codenamed by the Department of Homeland Security as "ENDGAME", you just can't make this stuff up)]
[Security and Prosperity Paternership of North America Security Agenda]
What seems to be going on is something big. Something very big. The October Surprise the world will never forget, or at least those of us in the good old U.S. of A.
A major thing is being prepared for, and it looks like it will require the military in full combat readiness on the home front, a generous helping of martial law, a big body count, and maybe a suspension of elections even.
FEMA bought a half million airtight, Biological and Chemical rated coffins last year. You know, just in case.
Halliburton has been given taxpayer money to upgrade those vacant FEMA detention camps. You know, just in case.
Camps and coffins are old news, hell, one of the first conspiracy theories I read about on the internet back in the day was about the FEMA detention camps. They have them, they don't deny it, they say they keep'em around in case we ever have a flood of illegals (refugee's) that need quarantined.
Its more a question of that plus this equals what? Is it all related? Are the active duty military units deploying right here in the states on October 1st just in case? That is what They say. In case of civil unrest. That term comes up a lot, civil unrest. Or an NBC (not the broadcasting company, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical) attack on US soil? Maybe, as the units deploying have been getting a ton of extra training for just that emergency since at least the middle of this month. Maybe it is all a big coincidence. Of course, anyone who has spent any amount of time working in the deep black will tell you there is no such thing.
John McCain has suspended his campaign. To work on the growing (ha! growing is such a small word) economic crisis.
A bit more than a month to go until our elections. The new President gets sworn in come January. I wonder if that's going to happen. It seems to me that the expectation of something happening is already in the halls of power, if not an actual plan of action. Plans are good things to have, especially in an emergency.
FEMA has their coffins in Georgia, the military units being deployed stateside are training in the New England area. Keep an eye on the East Coast, and FEMA. After all, they are seemingly psychic in terms of emergency response. Just look at 9/11.
This article still not finished... More to come. Special thanks to Senior Research Editor Dr. Wife.
+ + +
I jumped to a lot of conclusions, based on weird facts. As it turns out there was no fascist takeover October Surprise, just some unconnected weird/terrifying events. Its honestly a little embarrassing. I try my best to not let paranoia get the better of me, to be rational, and I failed this time. Spectacularly.
If this article is your first exposure to my blog, try some others. They are much better. Usually.
Not going to delete this in the interest of archival integrity, instead I will ad this note. Which I have done. Just now.