Wednesday, September 24, 2008

EXTRA POST!: Holy shit... just... holy shit. Breaking News!

Active-Duty Army Units are being assigned to patrols in North America starting on October 1st. Anyone ever hear of Posse Comitatus? Yeah, well neither have They, apparently.
"3rd Infantry's 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping 'people at home' may become a permanent part of the active Army." - Full quote from the header to the article, from the Army Times.

This is the most worrying shit I have seen in a long time. A month before the elections are supposed to happen. Seriously. Active duty uniformed soldiers being drafted into stateside service without any say-so other than the Pentagon? Something is stirring my friends, something is stirring. It is not a good thing, whatever it is.

Maybe it has something to do with these clips from C-Span...

Look, I'm not trying to say anything except keep your eyes peeled. Something is happening. Right out in public, and nobody is paying attention. We are concerned with the price of oil, and food costs rising, the threat of recession, the election, the mortgage crisis, the credit crisis, the bank crisis, the stock market, but we are not concerned with this.

Maybe I am just being paranoid. I will certainly own up to a heightened sense of paranoia, no argument there. However, is it paranoia if you are right? If I am wrong, no problem, I'm nuts, I can live with that. Just another crazy person on the internet jumping at shadows and barking at the moon.

If I am right, even partially, then we are standing on the edge of the sort of scenario that George Orwell was called paranoid for envisioning. Its all been falling into place for years folks. You think the Patriot Act is something new? Almost all of the measures it enacted were from other separate bits of legislation that have been making the rounds for years. Most authored under the supervision of Bush 1 and Bill Clinton.

More video, for those who don't like to read.

More later...

...and we're back.

What the fuck is going on? Well here are more paranoid ideas. First, a little background.

[The Patriot Act]
[The Military Commissions Act]
[S. 1959 (Codenamed by the Department of Homeland Security as "ENDGAME", you just can't make this stuff up)]
[Security and Prosperity Paternership of North America Security Agenda]

What seems to be going on is something big. Something very big. The October Surprise the world will never forget, or at least those of us in the good old U.S. of A.

A major thing is being prepared for, and it looks like it will require the military in full combat readiness on the home front, a generous helping of martial law, a big body count, and maybe a suspension of elections even.

FEMA bought a half million airtight, Biological and Chemical rated coffins last year. You know, just in case.
Halliburton has been given taxpayer money to upgrade those vacant FEMA detention camps. You know, just in case.
Camps and coffins are old news, hell, one of the first conspiracy theories I read about on the internet back in the day was about the FEMA detention camps. They have them, they don't deny it, they say they keep'em around in case we ever have a flood of illegals (refugee's) that need quarantined.

Its more a question of that plus this equals what? Is it all related? Are the active duty military units deploying right here in the states on October 1st just in case? That is what They say. In case of civil unrest. That term comes up a lot, civil unrest. Or an NBC (not the broadcasting company, Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical) attack on US soil? Maybe, as the units deploying have been getting a ton of extra training for just that emergency since at least the middle of this month. Maybe it is all a big coincidence. Of course, anyone who has spent any amount of time working in the deep black will tell you there is no such thing.
John McCain has suspended his campaign. To work on the growing (ha! growing is such a small word) economic crisis.
A bit more than a month to go until our elections. The new President gets sworn in come January. I wonder if that's going to happen. It seems to me that the expectation of something happening is already in the halls of power, if not an actual plan of action. Plans are good things to have, especially in an emergency.
FEMA has their coffins in Georgia, the military units being deployed stateside are training in the New England area. Keep an eye on the East Coast, and FEMA. After all, they are seemingly psychic in terms of emergency response. Just look at 9/11.
This article still not finished... More to come. Special thanks to Senior Research Editor Dr. Wife.

+ + +


I jumped to a lot of conclusions, based on weird facts. As it turns out there was no fascist takeover October Surprise, just some unconnected weird/terrifying events. Its honestly a little embarrassing. I try my best to not let paranoia get the better of me, to be rational, and I failed this time. Spectacularly. 

If this article is your first exposure to my blog, try some others. They are much better. Usually.

Not going to delete this in the interest of archival integrity, instead I will ad this note. Which I have done. Just now.


Money, Hookers, & The Media: A Non-Illustrated Guide to Media Deceptions and the Mortgage Crisis

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Picture Parade

"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill

For Chad, with love.

A collection of images that you, my dear readers, may find interesting/entertaining.

Note: Blogger cuts them off a bit for formatting, so you have to click on the picture for the full image.

The Haunted Painting aka "The Hands Resist Him"

The story of the painting can be found in more detail elsewhere, but I shall summarize for my ADD afflicted audience. The painting above, "The Hands Resist Him", was discovered in an abandoned building and taken home by a lovely couple with two precocious children. These children reported strange things in the night with the painting, such as the figures coming to life and playing with them. A little weird. Eventually the parents managed to get infrared photographs of the painting appearing to do just that.

So the story goes.

The artist, Bill Stoneham, says he sold it to John Marley (Jack Woltz in The Godfather) who held it until his death. So far nobody knows for sure how it ended up in the old brewery where the couple who sold it on eBay found it.

Haunted or not, it makes a great story, which drove up the price on eBay, and gained some fame for the artist. Haunting? Maybe. Good marketing? Absolutely.

Every job is getting outsourced these days, even law enforcement.

Blackwater private security contractors working with the DEA to bust medical marijuana dispensaries in California. That's nice. I love the idea of corporate operatives acting as law enforcement officers. Sort of like if you go to Best Buy and smell like weed, then the Geek Squad guys come out and tase you to the ground and haul you off to jail in a big orange SUV.

I would have included a link to the story that had more photos from this raid, but they (The LA Times) took them down. Just like they did the photo above, an hour after it was put up. I guess they didn't feel it was newsworthy after all, so they removed it from the set of pics from the raid. What can you expect from a liberal media, right? Right?

JFK: Fuck the Zapruder Film, the real money shots are in the before and after.

JFK and his then Vice President LBJ (far right, in the white coat) the morning of November 22nd. One of these men knows that day will go down in history, which one would you say?


LBJ and "Lady Bird" Johnson having a moment of levity with Jackie Kennedy just before LBJ is sworn in on Air Force One. Note how uncomfortable everyone else looks.


LBJ smiling at Texas Congressman Albert Thomas, and good old Al winking right back! There must have been such a lively mood on that jet, what with JFK decomposing quietly 40 feet away and his widow sobbing hysterically still soaked in her husbands blood.


LBJ swearing the oath of office, clearly a somber moment. Congressman Thomas is left in the snappy bow tie, and the short seedy fellow left of Al is Jack Valenti, the man you have to thank for essentially creating the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America).


Death of a President, by William Manchester, is the authorized version of the Kennedy assassination. Jackie Kennedy gave ten hours of interview; both Look magazine and the German publication Stern serialized it. Jackie asked that certain passages which were "too personal" be removed. According to the Paul Krassner's periodical The Realist, this is one of the passages:

"That man was crouching over the corpse, no longer chuckling but breathing hard and moving his body rhythmically. At first I thought he must be performing some mysterious symbolic rite he'd learned from Mexicans or Indians as a boy. And then I realized -- there is only one way to say this -- he was literally fucking my husband in the throat. In the bullet wound in the front of his throat. He reached a climax and dismounted. I froze. The next thing I remember, he was being sworn in as the new President".


When the plane landed in DC and Jackie was asked by a reporter why she had not changed clothes, her response was she wished she had not washed her hands or face, and she kept on the outfit because "I want those sons of bitches to see what they did to Jack.".

Jackie Kennedy was not one to mince words.

The Whitechapel Fiend revealed!

The (wonderful, and intensely funny) film 'Amazon Women on the Moon' reveals in a shocking 'Bullshit, or Not?' segment that Jack the Ripper was in fact... The Loch Ness Monster. Scary stuff. I love the giant kilt on Nessie. Scotch pride indeed!

I changed the name of the blog, twice actually. Both were taken by other blogs, as was Conspiracy Corner aparently. So it has a new name. One not taken by someone else. The URL will stay the same however, since its not the name of the blog there is no need to change that.

Stay tuned for a special guest blogger! My wife is coming out of journalistic retirement and she is coming out fighting. Stay tuned for her article on the West Memphis 3.

In other news, my article on the Biscardi Bigfoot got mentioned/linked in a few other blogs. Also my brief bit on the new DHS Weather Control program got a shout-out elsewhere. I did not even know. How about that, my 15 minutes came and went and I was probably working or asleep. Typical.

/End Transmission.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Do androids eat electric beef?

North America's getting soft, *patron*, and the rest of the world is getting tough. Very, very tough. We're entering savage new times, and we're going to have to be pure and direct and strong, if we're going to survive them. Now, you and this cesspool you call a television station and your people who wallow around in it, your viewers who watch you do it, they're rotting us away from the inside. We intend to stop that rot. - Harlon, Videodrome

KBR/Halliburton Accused of human trafficking. Kitchen slaves. All the way from Nepal.,0,1567028.story

So I guess the American farmland isn't the only place where illegal foreign workers are an issue. It seems those damned illegals are at it again. This time however, they are taking high paying jobs in the private sector, and doing so in a very insidious way.

Just recently 12 to 14 (the need to finish putting the bodies back together) illegal migrant workers decided to stow away in KBR vehicles heading over the border from Jordan into Iraq. They carefully surrendered their passports to KBR employee's after they arrived in Jordan with the promise of taking American jobs in the civilian contractor food service industry. THEN they stowed away in KBR cars going to Iraq to a military base were they would take jobs from the Americans there. Assholes!

OK, enough of that. These men were promised jobs cooking in Jordan, had their passports and identities seized, and where then shipped by KBR (a subsidiary of Halliburton) to Iraq to work for only the promise of eventually going home in areas deemed "to dangerous to risk American cooks". The plan was discovered when the convoy was attacked by Iraqi's and most of the Nepalese slaves were killed along with their captors.

Is it just me, or does this seem like a lot of trouble to go to for free kitchen labor?

Seriously. Men from Nepal abducted in Jordan and sent to Iraq to work in kitchens for Halliburton contractors? It just does not make a lot of sense. The facts are there, these men were Nepalese, they did have their passports confiscated, and they were being taken to Halliburton facilities in Iraq. Maybe a really amazingly long road trip back home to Nepal?

What the fuck?

Either way, with all the money our government keeps borrowing in our name from foreign powers to pay for The War in Iraq, you would think we don't need to abduct a bakers dozen plus one of Nepalese men for slave labor.

The Adventures of Steve Fossett Across the 8th Dimension

Steve Fossett's dead. Undead, undead, undead. Well, legally dead. But probably not dead.

You see, Steve was a test pilot, adventurer, millionaire, world record setter (116, 60 of which still stand, in 5 sports no less), and all around death-defying sort of guy. He lived large, and ate life with shining teeth as the vikings would say.

So on September 3rd, 2007 he takes off from the ranch of Barron Hilton (Paris Hiltons cranky grandfather) and goes flying out in the Nevada desert in a small two seater airplane, and is never seen again. To date no plane wreckage or corpse have been found in the search. No transponder signal from the plane, no nothing. Not even Google (via Google Earth), the Government, or the connections of Billionaire Playboy Richard Branson have found anything. Well , they found eight other airplane crash sites in the desert, but not Fossett.

Did he fake his death? Not likely. None of his accounts or assets have been accessed since his "death". His wife had him declared legally dead so she could access his half of the fortune. Several investigators remained alert to the possibility, but he had no outstanding debts or creditors hounding him. Is he dead then? Maybe, but unlikely.

What is a little weird about this is the claims he made before his death, as well as certain facts leading up to the disappearance.

In the days before his "fateful flight" he claimed to his wife and a few friends that he found some sort of passageway into another dimension in the dessert. Steve claimed it was white, and circular, and visible from the air but could move. Inside it he observed blue colored humanoids who told him strange things. He landed his plane near the opening and spoke to the blue men at length about time, space, and showed him all sorts of things that only make sense after a heavy dose of LSD and a balloon full of nitrous oxide.

So Steve goes home at 2am, tells his wife and a friend or two about this experience, they figure he's working too hard (adventurer or not, he was 63), and try to hope it doesn't happen again. A few days later he saddles up to the Hilton Ranch and has the hanger flunkies do the pre-flight on Barron's little plane that he had never flown. Which is odd, since he was paranoid and very safety conscious. He never let anyone else monkey with a plane before he flew, he also didn't bother to wear an emergency transponder watch he had. Also, he left at about 8:30 in the AM for an unspecified location in the Nevada desert, with his only explanation for going as "reconnaissance".

Steve Fossett was declared legally dead on February 15th, 2008. No body, no wreckage, no hint of what happened despite the most extensive and expensive search-and-rescue operation in history.

USDA bars beef companies from testing for Mad Cow disease, claims its unfair to other meat companies... more headlines from Bizzaro World.

Creekstone Farms wants to give the government money, but Uncle Sam is having none of it. Creekstone Farms also wants to protect its customers from the horror that is Mad Cow disease, but Uncle Sam is having none of that either.

The USDA is preventing, in court, Creekstone Farms from buying (from the USDA) laboratory kits that test for Mad Cow and its human counter part Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The USDA is the only legal supplier of these tests, and they will not let Creekstone have them for fear that it will affect the price of beef.

Essentially the meat processing/packing/farming lobby (aka Big Meat) and the USDA are afraid that consumers will start flocking to Creekstone products (premium, specialty, and organic beef) due to their scientifically verified assurance of being Mad Cow free. So then they , Big Meat, also will have to start testing every cow for the disease, the expense of which will be passed on to the consumer. Which might result in less beef being sold.

So the logical choice of course is to bar anyone from testing any American beef's until they are foaming at the mouth with crazy and biting people.

The USDA and Big Meat don't want the US to experience the panic that hit Great Briton a few years ago when they discovered that damn near all their cows had the disease. Most of Western Europe smelled like east Texas while England dealt with its little fuck up. The lost revenue if cows were infected here on that scale would be staggering. Since losing money is not the American way, it gets swept under the rug, and hopefully all those cases that pop up in a few years will just be mistaken for early onset Alzheimer's disease, organic brain dementia, epilepsy, or some other disease thats not transmitted by USDA certified meat.

Cows infected with BSE have already been found in the US. Several hunters have contracted CJD from eating deer they killed. The USDA admits that CJD/BSE/CWD and other variants have been found in sheep, deer, and elk in the US, but not cows. Which is good, since the government and big business would never lie about something like this. Why would they?


* * *

Only 3 topics this time. What do you want from me? I am a busy man dammit.

Enjoy, and of course feel free to comment.

/End Transmission.